Sweets and Desserts. Part 2
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About the Product
This is Part 2 of the Sweets and Desserts Set. It includes several mouth-watering cakes, famous pasta, chocolate chip cookies and croissants in a light sketchy style. The set is supplemented with 25 images of auxiliary elements - fruits, berries, nut crumbs and chocolate pieces. All this is ideal for decorating a cafe menu, packing bags and boxes, coffee glasses and other similar products. This pattern will make funny stickers, as well as beautiful compositions for T-shirts and other textiles. Elements from a set of cliparts can be used as standalone illustrations, to create logos for pastry bakeries, shops, bakery, or as a set of web icons. In the archive you will find ready-made versions of pictures with a white border for printing stickers and 3 cute seamless patterns. All images are saved in both vector and bitmap formats. We are pleased to provide you with:
- 11 isolated PNG chocolates on a transparent background;
- 25 PNG auxiliary elements isolated and on a transparent background;
- 3 PNG files with 21 ready-made stickers on a colored background;
- 3 PNG with 21 stickers on a transparent background;
- 3 PNG templates on a colored background;
- 3 PNG templates on transparent background;
- 1 EPS10 with 11 candies;
- 1 EPS10 with 25 elements;
- 1 EPS10 with 21 decals;
- 3 EPS10 with patterns
Thank you for your attention to these works! If you are interested, see also Sweets and Desserts. Part 1 -https://creativemarket.com/Maycat_store/5482863-Sweets-and-desserts.-Sketch-stickers
Product Specs
- Created: Oct 27, 2020
- Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
- File Size: 267.57 MB