justMe - One Page Resume & Portfolio
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About the Product
---- Responsive ----
justMe HTML template will look good on any device from wide desktops to mobile phones.
Carousels and portfolio grids will respond at your commands: just set how many items to display on each device or screen size. It's as easy as writting 3,2,1.
The responsive lightbox will let your visitors enjoy your pictures even when navigating on mobile phones.
---- Easy Customization ----
justMe has a complete CSS classes framework included in order to let you skin any element. You don't need to edit the CSS, just set the classes and let the magic begin.
---- 2 Different styles ----
justMe includes 2 different styles: a trendy flat colors design & a photo background style.
You can combine both as it's based on the same template but to make things easier, the package includes 2 separate demo websites.
Moreover, the flat style has 3 variations :
- zebra: alternate color on every section
- gradient: creates a global gradient in the page, every section is a little more darker or lighter
rainbow: every section has a different color
---- All you need to build the perfect Resume or Portfolio ----
justMe has many content modules to let you create the perfect Resume or Portfolio : sliders, carousels, team module, testimonials module, skills module with both pie and progress bars, education & employment modules, photo grids, masonry grids, filterable grids, contact form, fullscreen background slideshow, parallax...
justMe includes the glyphicons Pro webfont. It lets you use over 340 retina-ready icons.
---- Tickets Forum ----
justMe has a detailed documentation and it may cover most of your questions. However if you need any further help, please create a ticket in our support forum : http://ocholabs.ticksy.com
Please only use the comments system for presales questions.
The pictures and illustrations from the demo websites are not included in the package. They are replaced by placeholder pictures.
All the pictures in the demo are licensed under Creative Commons. You are not free to use them unless you add a link to their author. Look at the credits directly in the demo for more information.
Product Specs
- Created: Dec 17, 2013
- Compatible with: HTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch
- File Size: 4.12 MB
- Layout: Responsive
- Minimum Browser: IE 8