Modern & Colorful Wedding Menu CANVA
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About the Product
This product is an instant digital download.
☽ CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement ☾
This Wedding Menu Template kit is a fully editable, minimal design. It includes a Wedding Invitation with a front and backside and a free alternative bonus design page. You can personalize your template to your specific needs with CANVA. The program works in your web browser on both your phone, your tablet or your computer.
☽ H O W ⋆ I T ⋆ W O R K S ☾
✶Purchase this template ✶Download the pDF in your purchases ✶Read and follow the instructions on the PDF ✶Use the Canva template ✶Edit the template ✶Download it in your choice of format (I recommend a Print PDF for the best Quality) ✶Print invitations at home or with the printing service of your choice.
☽ W H A T ⋆ I S ⋆ E D I T A B L E ☾
✶Text - add, delete, move, resize, rotate, colours, fonts. ✶Graphics - add, delete, move, resize, rotate. ✶Backgrounds - add/remove/change any colour ✶Photos - can be added to any file ✶Colors - change to whatever color scheme you wish
☽ W H A T ⋆ Y O U ⋆ W I L L ⋆ G E T ☾
✶PDF file with instructions and link to your template in Canva
☽ P R O D U C T ⋆ D E T A I L S ☾
✶Wedding Menu Front 3.5 x 9 inches ✶Wedding Menu Back 3.5 x 9 inches
☽ M A T C H I N G ⋆ I T E M S ☾
✶This item is part of a bundle:
☽ D O W N L O A D ⋆ O P T I O N S ☾
✶Print PDF: for printing at home or at the printing service of your choice ✶JPG: For some local copy stores, always ask for preference! ✶PNG: For social Media, Email and Text
For any questions: Don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Professional Online Printing is recommended. If printing at home, use heavier or colored paper for a professional look.
☽ R E F U N D S ☾
Due to the fact that our products are all digital downloads, refunds are not accepted.
☽ C O P Y R I G H T ☾
These files may not be shared or resold in any way, shape, or form. These are for one time personal use ONLY and buyers may not use this or any part of the product to replicate, copy or distribute personally or commercially, by you or another party unless prior written consent is given.
Product Specs
- Created: Oct 27, 2022
- File Size: 1.79 MB
- Dimensions: 3.5 x 9 in
- DPI: 300