Blueprint . Brand Guidelines
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About the Product
Blueprint . Brand Guidelines
Our Blueprint Brand Guidelines set is a collection of 30 fully customizable layout design templates for both CANVA and Adobe InDesign.
How is our Blueprint Brand Guidelines template? If you're seeking to create beautiful and professional brand guidelines, look no further than the Blueprint Brand Guidelines template by GraphyPix.
This template is fully customizable in both CANVA and Adobe InDesign, and it includes real text copy that's ideal for brand designers, creative directors, and brands/agencies of all sizes.
What does it include? The templates are designed in A4 Landscape and are editable in both CANVA and Adobe InDesign.
- Introduction
- Brand story
- Mission / Vision
- Audience
- Values
- Tone & Voice
- Logotype
- Colors
- Typography
- Imagery
- Applications
- Contact
How do I use it? Open the template in either Adobe InDesign or CANVA and replace the content with your own. Either send it to print or save it as a pdf and email it to the client. These templates include original text too, so you have a guide on what to write and where!
What can I customize? You can move, edit, or change all the elements in this template. The colors are fully editable so you can change the palette to suit your need. It’s fully editable, utilizing character, paragraph, and object styles for easy font-style customizations too.
What size does it come in?
- A4 size landscape or 3508 x 2480 pixels
- Adobe InDesign File
- Canva File
Fonts This template uses all fonts that are free and links to the fonts are included inside the download.
Thank You, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!
Product Specs
- Created: May 16, 2023
- Compatible with: Adobe InDesign, Other
- File Size: 20.96 MB
- Dimensions: 1684 x 1190 px
- Layered