12 seasons color palette. Analysis
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About the Product
12 seasons color palette. Analysis. Color guide for stylist and womans. Vector hand drawn illustration, easy to change color. You can combine different colours from the same season and experiment!
To modify the files in the set, use vector editors (such as Adobe illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.). Use PNG files with a transparent background that are stored in the archive.
Zip file contains:
✦ 12 color palettes of every season with woman portrait- EPS, AI, JPEG, PNG
✦ 12 square formats cards with palettes and woman portrait - EPS, AI, JPEG, PNG
✦ 12 portraits - EPS, AI, JPEG, PNG
NEED HELP? You're always welcome to write me a message if you have any issues. Comments and likes are also very appreciated =)
Product Specs
- Created: Jun 24, 2024
- File Size: 32.11 MB
- Vector