Roux - Ghost theme
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About the Product
a Mobile first responsive, easy to read theme that has been built from the ground up for Ghost.
Responsive Starting from small screen up, content looks gorgeous at ANY resolution.
Content First a minimal design putting your content first and keeping the reader engaged in a distraction free interface.
Truly Responsive Images Most responsive sites resize the images down but end up downloading the same 1900x 1000px (example size) image and just make it fit to the screen for all devices, Roux uses mobify.js which will detect the screen size and download the correct size image for the screen size in result will be saving data and increasing page load performance.
Responsive Video Videos from vimeo and youtube keep their aspect ratio when resized.
Page Transitions Beautiful transitions between pages for added effect, it's in the small details.
Full screen images Both theme images and post images are easily viewed in full screen. users want to see the details, give it to them.
Reading Time a Simple reading time counter for the runners.
Other features include: Comments via Disqus Hi Res icons Loading bar Chameleon - changes link colors to the external link for example facebook links will be the FB blue etc.
CHANGELOG: 03/12/13 - Links not working on article page - BUG FIX 05/12/13 - Responsive videos and comments via disqus - ADDED FEATURES 20/07/14 - Featured posts, added page template and some performance enhancements - ADDED FEATURES
Product Specs
- Created: Nov 26, 2013
- File Size: 53.62 KB
- Columns: 1