Villa Island
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About the Product
This is a 3D villa island final rendering design, you can use it anywhere and you can also edit it if something needs to be edited, this is a 3D exterior design you will get a design and various perspectives when you open the Sktechup or 3ds Max software. Don't focus on the blurry image, it's just a preview display, it doesn't mean the design is blurry, the image is blurry because when I render my laptop I can't render a good preview image quality.
file type
- SketchUp
- 3Ds Max
and what you need to note.. you can open it in SketchUp Version 2017 and above if it is under the 2017 version then you can't open it.
If there is anything that needs to be asked please because I am ready to help.
Thank you have a nice day. Oskar Wantopi
Product Specs
- Created: Dec 27, 2021
- Compatible with: 3DS Max, SketchUp
- File Size: 2.25 MB
- Industry: Games
- Y-Up / Z-Up: Y-Up
- Skeleton
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