ST-KOMSOMOL stylish retro grotesque
About the Product
Introducing a retro grotesque called "Komsomol". The letterforms are bold and grotesque with retro-futuristic touch. It has some Extended Eastern Europe Cyrillic letters and some of Extended Eastern Europe Latin letters. "ST-Komsomol" created for titles, poster design, web design, branding and packaging works, illustrations, badges and other typography works.
*ST-Komsomol supports languages: Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Estonian, Icelandic, French, German, Macedonian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Slovenian, Swedish, Spanish, Tater, Kazakh, Ukrainian, and probably others )
Uppercase, numbers, basic punctuation, some of international characters. It includes: TTF + OTF + EOT + WOFF + WOFF2
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