Professional photographers are a friendly enough bunch, but just like designers, there are some things that really, really get on our nerves. They’re those little things that happen again and again, each time breaking down our willpower not to freak out just a little bit more. So, in honor of frustrated photographers everywhere, I present you with ten annoying things photographers hate.
1. “Let’s Do This Thing I Saw On Pinterest!”
Image sources: Bridal Guide and Plum Tree Studios
The statement above is inevitably followed by this one: “It looked a lot better on Pinterest…” Here’s a pro tip: nothing ever looks like it does on Pinterest. Often, you simply can’t stage that perfectly-timed, once-in-a-lifetime shot. Or you’re simply not the right height, width, etc., to pull off what the seemingly perfect people on Pinterest can.
We Don’t Like Ripping Off Other Photographer’s Ideas
Another reason we photographers hate it when you ask us to duplicate something you saw online: stealing unique ideas isn’t cool. I swear to all that is decent, if one more person asks me to do the T-rex wedding thing…
Image source: Reddit
This photographer had a great, funny idea, but stealing such an original concept feels pretty unpleasant as a professional. There’s this internal war between giving clients what they want and knowing that photography is a creative pursuit where ripping off your colleagues isn’t always acceptable. Perhaps the best thing a photographer can do in this awkward situation is use the client’s request as inspiration for something original.
2. Being Treated Like the Paparazzi In Public Places
Image source: Grey Coast Media
I’m not sure who started the rumor that photographers are the enemy, but celebrity paparazzi probably haven’t helped. These days, it seems like security guards and even police are on the hunt for photographers in public and are looking to take them down!
Every photographer, even new photographers, share stories about getting kicked out of a park, train station, museum, amusement park, church; the list goes on. I’ve even had people tell me as a paid photographer at a wedding venue that I wasn’t allowed to take photos during the wedding ceremony. What!?
3. Competing For Attention With Cell Phone Photographers
Image source: alfonsodetomas
As a paid photographer at a wedding or other event, having 40% of your photos ruined by guests and family stealing the attention of the people you’re photographing is immensely frustrating. For example, the entire wedding party is looking at my camera, but the groom is looking off to the side into grandma’s cell phone.
That’s not the photo the couple wants to see on their mantelpiece for the next fifty years. If you’re ever a client in this situation, always remember who you paid to be there and that the best way to get your money’s worth is to get everyone to agree that the big camera gets top priority. No matter how big a zoom lens we’ve got, we can’t compete with thirty guests all trying to get good pictures.
Top tip: When sharing all the details of the wedding photography setup, ask the couple to tell guests to put their phones away during the professional photography session. That way, you don’t have to compete with other photographers.
We get it. Sometimes technical terms can make DSLR cameras seem too complicated. Download this cheatsheet and card to start your journey to better photos.
Download them here4. “Gorgeous photo! You must have a great camera!”
Image source: Pawel Kadysz
I’ve spent years honing my craft and improving my skills, but this statement has the amazing ability to wipe it all away and make me look like nothing but a monkey with a magic camera. People assume that anyone can take great photos with a good camera. It’s simply not true. Good photography requires years of practice and hard work. Plus, a great photographer develops their own style which no one can replicate, no matter how many photos they take with a brand new camera.
Remember the Sam Haskins approach. If someone looks at your images and says you must have a great camera, say, “What a wonderful dinner! You must have a terrific stove.” Once they see the flip side of that comment, they may change their attitude. Or maybe not, of course.
5. “Let’s Put The Baby In This!”
Image source: Anne Geddes
Don’t get me wrong, Anne Geddes is an amazing photographer with creative talent that I will never achieve, but she pioneered a trend called “putting babies inside of random crap” that will plague photography until the end of time. Taking pictures of babies can be and should be easier than this.
Three annoying things all photographers want their friends and clients (and their kids) to stop doing:
- Assuming ridiculously staged photos are better than natural baby photographs
- Spending a fortune on props for a photo job the child won’t ever remember
- Creating a dramatic scene for a baby that would rather have a snack and a cuddle
If you want something cool added to a baby photo, consider asking your photographer about the editing options.
Try Something More Natural
So what’s the best thing you can put your baby in? Here’s a great answer: your arms. It turns out you can leave the baskets and burlap at the thrift store and still have an amazing, intimate newborn shoot that might not make your kid want to set the photos on fire when she’s 16. Most people end up preferring baby and child photos with fewer props and a bigger smile.
Image source: Radiant Photography
Bonus: Getting Peed On Ranks Pretty Low Too
When we’re on a newborn photo shoot, I always tell my wife and photography partner that she handles babies better than me. This is just my little trick for never getting peed on, which has happened to her several times. I get to hold the nice camera and she gets the potentially stinky babies.
6. “Can I Get All The Original RAW Photos From The Shoot?”
I’ve lost track of the times my clients have asked (or demanded) that I present them with every single image taken during a shoot, including RAW and unedited photos. It’s totally understandable why someone might think this is a reasonable request, so I get why they do it, but from the photographer’s perspective, it simply shouldn’t ever happen. After all, the last thing you want is some shot you weren’t happy with turning up on someone’s personal website. Daniela Bowker has my favorite response to this question:
Image source: vog
Explain to that guy who won’t stop pestering that your price is for the finished product article. If you can’t be heard, try referring them to the T&Cs (terms and conditions) of your written contract. At the end of the day, they’ll appreciate only having the shots where you capture the essence of the job or event. Never hand out memory cards of unedited shots. It’s just not worth it.
7. When You Edit Photos from Professional Photographers And Put Them On Facebook
Image source: fotopitu
First off, stop doing this (it might actually a violation of the contract you signed when you hired your photographer). We don’t want our photos circulating the world with shoddy editing on them. Secondly, if you do it, and someone asks who took the photo, do us a favor and lie. We don’t want the credit.
Even if you’re just sharing a shot with a friend for fun, edit your own photos, not the photographer’s. They worked hard to create that shot for you and it’s super disrespectful when unqualified folks think they can do better. We spend a lot of time and effort adjusting light and focal length to get your shots perfect. Just because you read every post on the Scott Kelby blog doesn’t make you a better photo editor. Unless you are, of course, which is something we hate to hear from non-photographers.
8. Never Having Good Photos of Ourselves
The above is seriously the best photo my wife and I have together from our trip to Paris. Lots of people offered to take our photo, but even after careful instructions, none of them could handle the autofocus feature on my Canon 5D Mark II. Sigh…
Top tip: Get a camera with a great remote point-and-click shot taker. They’re still not as good as being behind the camera yourself, but you’ll certainly get a better picture than this one.
9. When You Make Us Miss The Good Light
Want to annoy a photographer real quick? Simply show up to your shoot late and miss golden hour. Yes, night photography is a skill. No, we don’t want to have to bring all the night photography kit with us just in case you’re late. Oh, you had a wonderful dinner? That’s okay then, I guess you won’t mind if all these photos are ruined.
10. Terrible Photography Clichés
Some photography trends need to die. I know it’s really hard, but we need to let them go. It’s going to be ok.
That One Full-Color Item In a B&W Photo
One of the most annoying things photographers hate is taking a perfectly good monochrome photo and adding a splash of color for no good reason. People assume they’re being artistic. They’re wrong.
Super Crooked Photos Are So Cool!
Not everyone, but nearly every new photographer does this (including me when I first started). It’s fine every now and then, but when you’re looking through a hundred shots and realize that all the photos are wonky, you have a problem and need to seek professional help.
Yes, it’s a learning process, but as experienced professionals, we’re here to help you learn from your mistakes.
Annoying Things Photographers Hate: What Drives You Nuts?
Now it’s your turn to vent about annoying things photographers hate. Leave a comment below and let us know what drives you crazy as a photographer. Here’s your chance to let it all out. Maybe it’s a random person interrupting you while you’re shooting your best Ansel Adams shot. Or maybe it’s clients who just won’t listen. Let’s hear it!
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