Stuck in a slump? Creativity crushed? Every artist has felt the existential panic of having no ideas. The blank page in front of you won’t provide any solace, so here are some websites to help boost your creativity.
Find that your best ideas come when you’re in the middle of hustle and bustle? Bring the coffee shop chatter into your studio with Coffitivity. It has a collection of ambient noises from different places where one might be inspired. You can also share the stories of what you’re working on with the community of other creatives. A study from the Journal of Consumer Research found that background noise can actually lead to more creative thinking than silence. See the full study here.
The Creativity Post
This site is like a newspaper for all things creative in any area. With writers from places like Ignite Creative Learning Studio and Duke University, the articles are a mash-up of ingenious innovations and intellectual prowess.
The Skype Collaboration Project
Most of you probably have already heard of this website, maybe you even use it to stroll through the internet’s variety late into the night, but have you ever thought about using it as a tool to spark some creativity. On Tumblr, you can search any tagged word and find blogs about it. Try searches like creativity, imagination, or design. You’ll definitely find something to boost your imagination and get that creativity flowing.
This site has great tools for those suffering the dreaded disease of writer’s block. It has an instant writing prompt generator for great free writing. For those of you who aren’t as word oriented, the text manipulators and generators are fun ways to get fresh ideas and boost your creativity. Try pasting some text into the cut up machine and see what new phrases come out.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully these sites hope you when you feel like you can’t create anything new. The best advice I can give you is to keep pushing forward– even if it means writing “I don’t know what to write” over and over or doodling across a page. What advice would you give to someone who needs a creative boost?

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I'm a recent graduate of the University of San Francisco with a degree in Biology and a passion for the creative arts. I love building websites, trying new things, and I have a passion for social media.
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