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Great Products Require Great Coffee

Lesley Yarbrough March 15, 2024 · 2 min read

Designer and developer friends, we know you know the importance of a good cup of coffee when you’re working long hours on a project. This sweet elixir helps carry you through late nights and early mornings like an old college buddy. And much like your friends, you must also choose your coffee wisely — not wasting time with brews that are tasteless or bitter. When you’re working hard to do great things, the saying “life’s too short to drink bad coffee” rings truer than ever.

Here at Creative Market we love our coffee, and the other day we found ourselves sharing our current roasts with each other over HipChat.
Mike is in Detroit and he posted a photo of himself with some sort of German coffee.

Mike's Coffee Choice

Just kidding, flipped that’s Shuil Coffee‘s Michigan Black Rasperry and it sounds just lovely.
Out here in Denver I’ve been enjoying local roasts from Pablo’s Coffee, my latest arrival being their Kenya AA “Gachirago” dark roast.

Lesley's Coffee Choice

Yes, it’s pretty fantastic.
Then there’s Aaron in New York, who just has to be different with his Twinings tea from London. 😉

Aaron's Tea Choice

So that leaves you, community. We’ve shown you ours, now show us what you’ve got — we’d love to see your recommendations, or even better, your photos of the caffeinated beverages that keep you going. Share the coffee love!
Edit: Bubs shows us what gets his creative juices flowing at 30,000 feet.

“Whatever they’re serving.”

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About the Author
Lesley Yarbrough

Tinkerer. Maker of quirky fonts with a sprouty disposition.

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