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Discover Your Font Personality: Which Font Are You?

Creative Market August 16, 2024 · 7 min read

There are so many fonts out there, divided into sans serif fonts, serif fonts, or script fonts. From Helvetica to Comic Sans, the list goes on and on, with so many distinctive fonts crafted over the years, forming letters, numbers, and other symbols in their own special ways.

Every font is different. There’s the classic elegance of Times New Roman. The bold, clean lines of Franklin Gothic. The modern and timeless style of Arial. Each font also has certain associations, with some feeling strict and severe, while others are more fun and playful.

In a way, you could say that every font choice imparts a personality on text, and that’s what this “Which Font Are You?” quiz is all about. It lets you find the typeface that suits you best, based on certain elements of your character.

So, which font will you be? Are you fun and playful, like Comic Sans? Elegant and refined, like a fancy script font? Neutral and easygoing, like a sans serif typeface? Or something else entirely? Will your font personality match your favorite font, or might it take you by surprise? Complete the quiz to find out!

Which font describes your personality?

It’s not always about the words you utter but the way you say them. Discover more about your inner creative edge and find out which type of font reflects the way you create. And yes we did spend far too long agonising over which font to write this in!


You’re the sort of dependable person that everyone wants in their team. You’ve got classic tastes but you’re also up to the minute. This makes you effortlessly hip and everyone loves your approachable nature. You’re a true all round winner!


You’re the web start up font of choice so we’d expect you to be quick moving, entrepreneurial and maybe just a little bit obsessive about the things that rock your world. Always positive, you’re great fun to be around. Just remember not to work too hard!

Comic Sans

You’re always the funny one in the group. Of course we mean funny ha-ha, rather than weird, but let’s face it, weird is good is too. If there’s an amusing edge to a situation you’ll spot and tell everyone about it and this sunny nature feeds your creative talents.


We’ll need to up our game if we’re going to be hanging around you because you are so achingly cool. With your modern sleek look we know you’re always going to be ahead of the game – you might even be creating a whole new game! 


You’re the person everyone turns to when things suddenly get more complicated than anyone expected! People respect your sturdy, authoritative stature. They may even come to you for advice because you don’t tend to shy away from big decisions. Just be careful they don’t take you for granted! 


You may have a vintage allure about you but it doesn’t mean that you’re behind the times. You have no issues with crossing barriers or defying current thinking if it creates a fantastic result. But that’s the key. A focused soul like you demands results from your designs. It’s got to be beautiful and functional. 

How creative are your daydreams?

They’re essential to my creative output

It depends on what’s distracting me at the time

They might be creative but they’re not remotely useful!

When it comes to color you:

Think that bold is best

Prefer working in the same tones for each job

Like to use few colors for maximum effect

Love using LOTS of color

What inspires you most?


Other talented people


A difficult brief

You’re going to a work-related party. What best describes your choice of outfit?

Whatever I usually wear to work

Whatever I usually wear to party in

Something unusual to get extra attention

Something that makes me feel good

Which of these design quotes resonates most with you?

The enemy of art is the absence of limitations

Owning a camera doesn’t make you a photographer

Never show fools unfinished work

Designers don’t actually solve problems. They work through them.

Making good design is easy. It’s polishing the half-assed stuff that takes time.

Good art inspires; Good design motivates.

When it comes to being in the spotlight you’re most likely to say:

Hey! Look at me!

Hey! Let’s get this thing done together.

Hey. Are they looking at me?

How would you prefer to relax?

Doing something energetic to sweat out the stress

Doing some meditation or yoga by myself

Doing nothing – just chilling out

Doing something fun with friends

Where would you prefer to hang out with your friends?

A trendy bar with great decor and the best drinks

Anywhere there is room for all of to get together

Somewhere easy to get to

Somewhere I haven’t tried yet

You’re working from home. What is most likely to distract you

The kitchen – endless food distractions

Chores – I’ll just do that after I’ve tidied the kitchen

The TV – who’s going to know?

The Internet – it starts with work but there are way too many distractions!

Are you more of an extrovert online than in real life?


There’s no real difference

No way!




What Are the Different Types of Fonts?

There are many forms and categories of different typefaces. Sans serif fonts, for example, come without any decorative elements, like little feet or curves (serifs) on each symbol. Serif typefaces, or decorative fonts, have the curves and more elegant, elaborate shapes. Then, there are script fonts, designed to mimic real handwriting or calligraphy. Fonts can also be divided into other groups, like Google Fonts, display fonts, and Adobe Fonts.

What Are “Font Personalities”?

The idea of “font personalities” suggests that fonts have certain character associations, based on how they look and how they’re used in general. The average serif font, for example, exudes a kind of trustworthy and traditional personality, while sans serif fonts have more of a clean and minimalistic feel to them. Handwritten fonts feel fun and artistic, while script fonts are elegant and refined. By learning about someone’s character, you can usually accurately guess what sort of font fits them best.

What Does Your Font Say About You?

A person’s font choices can also reveal something about them, according to some experts. Fonts influence how people perceive a business or brand’s personality, too, so choosing fonts for company branding is something to take seriously. People whose go-to typeface is Comic Sans, for example, are seen as playful or childish. Those who favor script fonts may give off more of a retro-loving or artsy vibe, while users of serif fonts (like Times New Roman) tend to be seen as formal or even posh.

How Does the Font Personality Quiz Work?

Our “Which Font Are You?” quiz applies the idea of font personality to a simple quiz format. You’ll answer questions about who you are, the kinds of things you like most, and so on, and we take that info in order to link your personality type with the most appropriate fonts. But there’s no need to take it too seriously—it’s just a fun and interesting way to find out what your chosen font says about you and which typeface suits you best.

What Can Fonts Convey About a Person’s Character?

While it’s a disputed concept, some people feel that the fonts you use in letters, social media post content, emails to friends, or even your resume can convey certain aspects of your character. Again, this ties into the concept of “font personality,” discussed earlier on in the previous questions. Certain font types feel more fun and playful, while others are stricter or more rigid in their design. People may associate those characteristics with you if you use the same sort of font on a very regular basis.

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