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Product Recipes: Create a Summer Event Ticket

Teela Cunningham March 28, 2024 · 8 min read

With summer fast approaching, the season of barbecues, picnics, outdoor events and concerts will soon be underway. For many large crowd events, flyers, invites, and tickets are all on the design list. Promoting a summer cook off, this product recipe will check the tickets off that list in no time.

Final Design


Required Resources:

60-geometric-backgrounds-img1-220x146 60 Geometric Backgrounds – This set includes various color combinations and scale; a designer likes to have options!
recycled-paper-textures-preview1b-220x146 12 Recycled Paper Textures – The recycled nature of paper provides some really beautiful specks and fibers. A great way to add texture to any design.
untitled-2-01-220x146 Vintage Barbecue Grill Elements – This set gives a sizeable variety of themed icons to move and manipulate – and it’s vector, so scaling is a breeze.
untitled-2-01-220x146 Brush Up Font – If you’re looking for personality, this font came to the party. Brush Up provides a great handmade feel + texture for a headline.
untitled-2-01-220x146 Solo Sans Font – When using a big personality headline font, finding a simpler, clean font to complement it is a must. Solo Sans definitely gets the job done, and pairs beautifully with Brush Up.

1. Grab the Template

If we’re making these tickets for a lot of people, we’ll want to get them printed on something other than our home printer. UPrinting is one of my favorite online affordable printers, so for this recipe, we’ll be using their ticket template. Choose 5.5â€x2†under size, and select Perforation Only – No SN under Select Folding/Finishing. Next, open the template ending in _OUT in Photoshop (this means the perf is on the right side).

2. Create a Guide

You’ll see a lot of information when you open up the template, but we don’t have a guideline where the perforation dashed line is, so pull a guide to the perf, then turn off the UPrinting template.

3. Rotate the Canvas

We need to rotate our canvas while we design since this will be a vertical orientation ticket. Go to Image > Image Rotation > 90* CW.

4. Lay Down Some Colors

Let’s start by laying down our foundation colors. Grab the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle in the area above the perforation guideline. Set the color to blue using the CMYK color build 84/31/34/2. Next, draw a rectangle in the perforated area and set the color to red using the CMYK color build 23/98/98/17.

Add Grill Assets

Next, we need to go into illustrator to grab some of our assets from the Vintage Barbeque Grill Elements. Open the file and copy and paste the rectangular grill into Photoshop. Lower the opacity to 30% and set the blend mode to Overlay in the perforated area. Go back into Illustrator and grab the little skewer, set it to white, and paste it into Photoshop.

Tweak the Ribbon

We’ll need to do a little editing to the final elements we’ll use. First, for the ribbon, we need to draw a new center rectangle (grab the ribbon from the upper left in the bbq elements file). Delete the previous center rectangle, and group the new ribbon. Set it to the red we’re using: 23/98/98/17. Next, shear the ribbon by -9* and make sure vertical is checked. Copy and paste it into Photoshop.

7. Combine the Fork and Bratwurst

Now we need to make the fork + bratwurst grouping. Grab one of the bratwurst from the elements at the bottom, rotate it and place on top of the fork. Change the fork to white and the bratwurst to red: 23/98/98/17. Group both, copy and paste into Photoshop behind the ribbon from step 6. Position in the center of the ticket, and mask the bottom where the perforation line is.

8. Add the Summer Text

Now we can start setting our type. Using the Brush Up font, type SUMMER, set it to brown: 50/79/74/74 and size it at 38.5pts. Now hit Command+t (Ctrl+t on a PC) and right click. Select Skew. At the very top of the Photoshop interface, type -9 in the vertical skew box.

9. Add the Drop Shadow

It’s time for us to add the white drop shadow beneath Summer. Double click on the Summer text layer and input the following drop shadow layer style settings: Normal, white, 100%. Uncheck Use Global Light and change the angle to 130*, apply a distance of 8 and a spread and size of 0.

10. Cook Off

Now, type set Cook Off! in the same way, applying the same layer style.

11. 1st Annual

For 1st Annual, set it in Solo Sans Regular, all caps with a superscript on ´st‘. Set it to white, with a skew of -9* (like we did in step 8), and a size of 9.5pts with tracking set at 50.

12. Ribbon Text

For the text on the ribbon (the location) use the same settings as 1st Annual, but set the size to 8pts.

13. Date and Time

Onto the date and time! For the date, use the same settings as Summer, but without the layer style, and set it to 28pts. Do the same for the time, but set time’s size to 15.5pts.

14. Add Some Texture

We’re almost done with the top! Before we move onto the perforated ticket stub area, let’s finish off the top with some nice textures. The first texture we’ll add is from the 60 Geometric Backgrounds item. I’m using #56 and it’s going to be positioned right above the solid blue layer.
With the blue layer selected (so the geometric background will be positioned above it once placed in), go to File > Place and place in the #56 .ai file. I’m using the upper right corner of this geometric background and since it’s vector, I’ve scaled it way up to get the size of the triangles I’m looking for. Once positioned, set the blend mode to Hard Light and change the opacity to 80%.

15. Paper Texture

We have one last bit of texturing to add to the top portion of our ticket. We’ll do this using the 12 Recycled Paper Textures item. With the geometry layer we just created selected, go to File > Place and select the snow.jpg in the tileable-jpgs-300dpi-cmyk folder. Set the blend mode to Linear Burn. Duplicate the layer (with the layer selected, hold alt, click and drag above the layer to create a duplicate one). This will make the texture stand out even more.

16. Create the Ticket Stub

On to the ticket stub! For the event summary line, draw a skinny rectangle positioned just below the perforation and color it the brown we’ve been using, 50/79/74/74. Inside of the rectangle, in Solo Sans Regular all caps (I’m using 5.75pt for size with tracking set at 25), type the event name, date and time and color it white.

17. General Admission

To typeset ´General Admission,’ use Solo Sans Regular all caps and set the color to white. Apply a size of 6.5pts and set the tracking to 50. Select all of the text and then go to Type > Warp Text. Make the warp style Arc and set its horizontal bend to 18%.

18. Finishing Touches

Next, type Admit One in Brush Up with a size of 24pts and tracking set to 50. For Free Parking use a size of 8pts with a tracking of 0 set in Brush Up and colored white. Our ticket is complete!
TIP: If you’re using UPrinting to print your ticket, you’ll want to rotate your ticket back (90*CCW) to give it a horizontal orientation.

Here’s our final result:

Final Thoughts

Considering color, background, texture, and typefaces that work together are the building blocks to a great design. With the right assets, you are equipped and empowered to cook up some killer work (puns always intended).


Teela Cunningham is an Atlanta based graphic designer addicted to type, touching great paper and making you smile. In the past, she has created artwork for Coke, Visa, the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics. Outside of the goodies in her shop, you can pick up new freebies every week over on her blog and watch her latest design tutorials on her youtube channel.

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Teela Cunningham

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