Massive Retro Symbols Bundle-90% Off
About the Product
COMMERCIAL USE IS ALLOWED. Unlimited use in commercial projects is ok. T-shirts, branding, etc. If you need more details on usage please read the Creative Market Standard License here:
This is a massive collection of pretty much every retro symbol I've ever created, wrapped up in one neat package at a huge discount! Most of the symbols are already textured and have an authentic retro, vintage, letterpress feel perfect for branding and marketing.
Each font is accompanied by an outlined AI, EPS, and SVG file for easy access. In other words, you're getting the fonts (OTF), as well as outlined vector graphics, so there's no need for opentype aware applications in order to access all of the symbols.
Some of these collections have never been sold separately before!!
Included in this package:
Altus Extras, 78 Symbols
Auburn Extras, 76 Symbols
Castor Catchwords, 114 Symbols
Castor Ornaments, 80 Symbols
Corinth Ornaments, 121 Symbols
Microbrew Ornaments, 115 Symbols
Microbrew Soft Ornaments, 85 Symbols
Microbrew Unicase Ornaments, 86 Symbols
Microbrew Unicase Catchwords, 84 Symbols
Signyard Symbols, 90 Symbols
Please note that if your previewing some of these families, the product only includes the symbol fonts, not the regular font styles.
Copy and paste this text for a better preview of the characters: AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890
Product Specs
- Created: Oct 26, 2016
- File Size: 42.59 MB
- Vector